CS 370   Intelligent Mobile Robots   
Winter 2010,  Instructor: Jeffrey Horn

(jhorn@nmu.edu)           http://cs.nmu.edu/jhorn

                                                                                                                   NMU CS Dept. Pioneer and Amigobot robots

This winter we are offering a SPECIAL VERSION of CS 370, thanks to the recent acquisition of the Pioneer 3DX (right).  The Pioneer is capable of sophisticated navigation using map localization and its 16-sonar ring.  Because of the reliable hardware and extensive software incorporated into Pioneer, we will be able to concentrate on high-level robot behaviors, such as hierarchical planning, long-range navigation, mapping new environments, and hidden target seeking.   The Pioneer is already WiFi-enabled, allowing us to develop and run control algorithms on any networked computer.   We plan to add a camera for computer vision early in the semester.  

Because this version of the course is so different from previous versions (in which we concentrated more on hardware and on low-level behaviors such as obstacle avoidance and dead-reckoning navigation), I will allow 370 alumni to take this course by enrolling in CS 498, Directed Study in CS.  I will also be WAIVING THE PREREQUISITE of CS 201 or 330 by signing an ADD/DROP card for students who have at least one year of programming experience (e.g., CS 122).   I anticipate that we will be programming primarily in Java.

Screenshot of MobileEyes Visualizer showing Pioneer in NSF floor 1 hallway with path planned to Entomology lab, also showing sonar readings.

NUMBER:    CS 370    (12420, Lec. 01)               



 MEETING TIMES:    4:00  -   5:40 PM     TR       


(This announcement is on the web at http://cs.nmu.edu/~jeffhorn/Classes/CS370/announce2010 ).