PURPOSE: To collect and analyze trail network data in the UP. HOW(FEATURES): - A place to store and query the data - 20 to 25 files of timestamps updated randomly - precise time and location - online drive? - currently have one device that the android app is on - walk from node to node with this device to update the data - Android Application Support - Efficiently send data from mobile to centralized location - currently no method of doing this VISUALIZE DATA - Google heat maps 1. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/layer-heatmap 2. Show trail activity by location and time 3. Label each node 4. visualze data through filters i.e Monday, Tuesday, Time of Day, etc (give me a map of all tuesdays this month at noon) - Python scripts for data analysis using numpy 1. Plotting a movement path 2. Graphs of activity over time and location 3. Calculating speed -- HARD 4. Determine which timestamps belong to a single individual -- HARD RESEARCH: - Good user experience - Responsive web design - Numpy scientific data analysis - Algorithms for pathing calculations - Optimize for mobile