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Autonomous 802.11b Antenna Alignment using Linux
You can read my senior project proposal here and the paper that describes what materialized here.
I’m going to put some up some pictures and movies of the device as soon as I can get a digital camera.
Here is an archive
of my project.
You can contact me, Jason Olkonen, by sending email to >> seniorproject [at] longyear [dot] nmu [dot] edu
802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide
Scott Edwards Electronics Inc. (Mini SSC II servo controller)
C++ software class library for the Mini SSC-II Controller
Antenex (12.5 dBi Yagi antenna)
Proxim ORiNOCO PC Card (the new name of the Lucent WaveLan 802.11b card)
Cisco Aironet 350 Series Access Point
Fischer Technik (antenna base)