Upper Peninsula High School Math Challenge
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The Upcoming 2025 UPHSMC
John X. Jamrich Hall, Northern Michigan University
Saturday in April (to be determined), 2025
Join the fun! Your students are invited to participate in the 11th annual U.P. High School Math Challenge.
Teams consist of four students and each school may bring any number of teams. If the number of interested students
is not divisible by four, or if you have fewer than four interested students, please register anyway;
we can form hybrid teams comprised of students from more than one school.
Students compete individually and as teams. Individual questions are solved one at a time with approximately 3-4
minutes per question. Team questions are distributed as a packet and are solved collectively as a team with a larger
time limit of 45 minutes. There is also an exciting team-based "math relay" event that counts toward the final score.
The questions will draw from topics covered in pre-calculus high school mathematics, including, but not limited to,
algebra, logic, probability, series, plane and solid geometry, and plane trigonometry. The team questions may require
a greater degree of insight into the solution than the individual questions.
- pizza lunch will be provided
- there is no participation fee
- register as many teams as you want
using one form per team
- email (math_cs@nmu.edu) or fax (906) 227-2010
the registration forms by DEADLINE
- for additional information please contact Daniel Rowe (darowe@nmu.edu)
- the event is in Jamrich Hall on the NMU campus
Links to Past Events with Problems + Solutions