ma521: Representation Theory - w25

(CC BY-SA 4.0) : credit: Johnson et al. (using 'Symmetry')

(CC BY-SA 4.0) : credit: Daniel Tubbenhauer

Class Meetings


Daniel Rowe

I'm an associate professor of mathematics in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Northern Michgan University. I've been a professor at NMU for nine years, and I am very passionate about the praxis of doing mathematics and teaching it. I grew up on a fishing camp in Northwestern Ontario, Canada.

Learning Outcomes

This graduate-level course offers an introduction to representation theory, a cornerstone of modern mathematics with deep connections to physics, geometry, and algebra. The course will cover the fundamental concept of a representations of group (finite or Lie-type), along with a review of linear algebraic notions such as subspaces, quotients, tensor products, Hom spaces, and symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors. Topics include the classification of simple and indecomposable representations, the representation theory of finite groups over the complex numbers, and the structural theory of simple Lie algebras over the complex numbers. Applications and connections to other areas of mathematics and physics will be highlighted throughout.

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Class Structure
Grade Scale
A (92-100%)
A- (90-91%)
B+ (86-89%)
B (82-85%)
B- (80-81%)
C+ (76-79%)
C (72-75%)
C- (70-71%)
D+ (66-69%)
D (62-65%)
D- (60-61%)
F (≤ 59%)
Academic Honesty

In the spirit of academic honesty, credit for this section is due to Asher Auel, as this is an adapted form of their discussion of academic honesty in mathematics.


If you have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the Coordinators of Disability Services in the Dean of Students Office at 2001 C. B. Hedgcock Building (227-1737 or Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state, and University guidelines.

Reading Materials
Homework + Exams + Paper
research paper ideas (3-4 page paper, well typeset)
Submitting Your Work
Late Submissions
Checking Your Grade

(CC BY-SA 4.0) : link

Schedule + Recordings

> colored text = clickable links
> late homework may be submitted anytime during the semester
> before the solutions are posted (-0%), otherwise (-50%)

wk1: jan13 → jan17

□ study the lectures
□ work on hw1

wk2: jan20 → jan24

□ study the lectures
□ work on hw1

wk3: jan27 → jan31

□ study the lectures
□ finish hw1
□ start hw2

wk4: feb3 → feb7

□ study the lectures
□ keep working on hw2

wk5: feb10 → feb14

□ study the lectures
□ start working on hw3 □

wk6: feb17 → feb21

□ study the lectures
□ start working on hw3 □

wk7: feb24 → feb28

□ study the lectures

wk8: mar10 → mar14

□ study the lectures

□ study for midterm exam next wed

wk9: mar17 → mar21

□ study the lectures

wk10: mar24 → mar28

□ study the lectures

wk11: mar31 → apr4

□ study the lectures

wk12: apr7 → apr11

□ study the lectures

wk13: apr14 → apr18

□ study the lectures

wk14: apr21 → apr25

□ study the lectures

wk15: apr28 → may2 (FINAL EXAM WEEK)

□ final exam date: TBA
□ traditional in-person exam
□ no electronic devices
□ complete any late homework for 50%
□ try an extra credit problem?