CS 120   Fall 2016,  Instructor:  Jeffrey Horn

 Assignment 4:   "Methods (and Re-locatable Graphics)"

  • Handed out:  Tuesday, September 20, 2016
  • Due:    Wednesday, September 28, 2016
  • Purpose:  Learn 
    1. The fundamentals of writing and using methods:
      • Method signature (name, parameters), method body
      • How to invoke a method
      • Scope of parameters
    2. THE simplest technique for making your graphics relocatable!  (i.e., creating translation parameters (e.g., x and y)
  • Reading:     (from online textbook)
    • GUI Java:   Ch. 2 of our online text.
  • Details:
    • This is like A3 except you need to have a separate method for your graphics.
    • The signature of this method must be: 
      • "private void paintTarget(Graphics g, int x, int y)"
      • although you can name your parameters anything you'd like!
    • Your graphics code must be at least 20 lines long.   (This is to ensure that you have a sufficiently complex graphic!)
    • Your graphics item must be no larger than 40 by 40 pixels.  Specifically it must fit inside the 40 by 40 pixel square whose upperleft corner is given by the x,y input parameter values.  
    • Your graphic item must be colorful!  (Say minimum of three different colors.  Black counts as one, but white does not!  White will be our background color.)
    • Test your code by invoking your paintTarget method with different values of x and y (e.g., use your A3 code).
    • Email me your paintTarget method in the body of an email message to jhorn@nmu.edu with the SUBJECT line:  "CS120:  A4".