Black-bellied Plover
First view, Boca Chica
Beach, Texas, 22 August 2008.
Another view, Boca Chica
Beach, Texas, 22 August 2008.
Another view, 700 S & 100 E, Montgomery
County, Indiana, 23 May 2006.
view, Garden Key, Dry Tortugas National Park,
Florida, 15 April 2013.
view, break wall, Lower Harbor, Marquette,
Michigan, 14 September 2013; here is
another shot of this bird showing its unique wing and underwing
Another view, juvenile, break wall,
Lower Harbor, Marquette, Michigan, 14 September 2011.
view, in flight, break wall, Lower Harbor, Marquette, Michigan, 25
September 2011.
There follows three shots highlighting the
differences between American Golden Plover and Black-bellied Plover in basic
plumage. These birds were part of a group of eight plovers at the mouth of the
Dean River in Marquette, Michigan, 18 October 2016. The first
photo shows two plovers—Black-bellied on the left, American Golden on
the right—standing next to each other. Note the obvious difference in
size, as well as the Black-belliedŐs grayer plumage,
heavier bill, and streaked (rather than barred) underparts.
The second photo shows three plovers in
flight—two Black-bellieds and one American
Golden. Note again the obvious difference in size. Compare the Black-belliedsŐ white rumps with the American GoldenŐs dark rump.
Note also the obvious difference in wing pattern. The third
photo shows five plovers landing—four Black-bellieds,
one American Golden. Note again, the features mentioned above, especially the
obvious difference in rump colors.