Black Vulture

Coragyps atratus



First view, Hernando Beach, Florida, 26 February 2012.


Another view, above Patagonia rest stop, Arizona, 26 June 2007.


Another view, 50 vultures, west of Orlando, Florida, 26 February 2012.


Another view, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, 14 June 2005.


Another view, strange kettling behavior during solar eclipse, just a few minutes before totality (hence, a difficult, dark shot), Snake Road, Union County, IL, 21 August 2017.


Another view, Instituto Butanta, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 28 July 2015; truly crummy shot with point-and-shoot camera.


Another view, truly crummy shot of a great U.P. bird and first county record, corner of Division and S. McClellan, Marquette, Michigan, 7 June 2015.




The vultures of this landscape came to call

this morning. . . —David Huddle