Yard Birds, 513 West Main Street, Crawfordsville, Indiana

From autumn of 2001 until summer of 2009 we lived in a house with a small yard near the campus of Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana. It's a quiet neighborhood, but not a particularly "birdy" place (no water, no meadows, no woods, not a clear view of the sky, etc.). So all things considered, my Crawfordsville yard list total of 104 species is not bad (IÕve included dates by the species I saw only once in, or from, my Crawfordsville yard; i.e., no date listed means I saw that species in, or from, my yard at least twice). I made many of the photos on this page just as I was beginning to learn bird photography; they were my practice shots before I ventured further afield. My young sons were with me when I made most of these photos, so even though the quality of some of these shots is not great, IÕve included them here as a kind of commemoration of that special time with my boys, when they were so young. The photos on this page were made between the dates of June 2005 (when I first started making bird photos) and July 2009 (when we moved to Michigan).


Turkey Vulture.
Cooper's Hawk.
White-winged Dove.
Mourning Dove.
Red-bellied Woodpecker.

Downy Woodpecker.

Pileated Woodpecker.

Eastern Wood-Pewee.
Blue-headed Vireo.
Red-eyed Vireo.

Blue Jay.
Carolina Chickadee.
Tufted Titmouse.
Red-breasted Nuthatch.
White-breasted Nuthatch.
Brown Creeper.

Carolina Wren.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

Gray Catbird.

European Starling.

Orange-crowned Warbler.
Tennessee Warbler.
Northern Parula Warbler.

Yellow Warbler.
Cape May Warbler.

Blackpoll Warbler.

Common Yellowthroat.
Song Sparrow.
White-throated Sparrow.
Dark-eyed Junco.
Northern Cardinal.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
Purple Finch.

House Finch.

White-winged Crossbill.

Pine Siskin.
American Goldfinch.
House Sparrow.