Late in the afternoon on 25 October 2011, at the mouth of the Dead River in Marquette, I watched a Bald Eagle take a gull (it appears to be a first cycle Herring Gull). Here is a brief account, including a few photos of middling quality, taken at great distance



As I approached the mouth of the Dead, I saw a churning swarm of gulls in the air, and thought, "Damn, there's either a dog on the beach or an eagle making a pass." Sure enough, when I pulled into the parking lot, I saw this. Eagles frequently kick up the gulls here, but rarely do you see one making a pass so low over the water and so near the shore (since usually the gulls get up in the air pretty quickly, so the eagle rarely succeeds, and hence, flies away).

But this eagle made a few more low passes, and I couldn't figure out why until I saw this, which shows the eagle after it just missed the gull, which was trying to dive (and gulls don't do this very well!). Clearly the eagle had made a couple of passes at the gull, and the gull looked exhausted (and almost surely injured) and defeated at this point, because on the eagle's next pass, the gull didn't even dive, it just sort of flapped around pathetically on the water's surface, and here was the result  (this shot is especially blurry, but it shows the eagle on the water right at the moment it finally managed to capture the gull).

With a bit of effort, the eagle got off the water with its catch, and began the short flight to shore with the gull in its talons. The gull struggled a bit. And then the eagle landed on the shore. As you can see from this last photo, I've managed to approach a bit closer at this point, thus making the eagle very nervous, so I retreated and got no more photos; i.e., no photos of the ensuing gory feast.