Mountain Lion

Puma concolor



Here is a shot of fresh Panther scat (weÕd been in the same spot less than thirty minutes earlier and this was not there, so this was very fresh scat), Everglades National Park, Florida, 27 December 2014. Less than 100 yards away is this sign.


On 28 December 2014, Jack and I saw an entire family group of panthers on Loop Road, Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida. Jack saw a remarkable six panthers; I saw ÒonlyÓ three. Light conditions were bad, and I was looking for snakes and birds, so when I finally got my camera focused on the last lion as it crossed the road, I clicked the shutter nearly instantaneously as it vanished into the brush. Here is that shot (which I include on this page mostly for sentimental purposes—it reminds Jack and me of that night—and as an expression of amazement at our very good fortune that night).