
Pandion haliaetus



First view, Sugar Creek Trail, Crawfordsville, Indiana, 22 May 2006.


Another view, Everglades National Park, 11 January 2009.


Another view, east of Orlando, Florida, 26 February 2012.


Another view, Everglades National Park, 11 January 2009.


Another view, (with fish) St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Wakulla County, Florida, 2 March 2022.


Another view, family of five, Flamingo, Everglades National Park, Florida, 4 March 2022.


Another view, (with fish), north of Crawfordsville, Indiana, 24 September 2006.


Another view, along the Columbia River, Skamania County, Washingtong, 15 June 2018; the point of this mediocre photo is that it was taken in Washington.