Southeastern Arizona

3—11 May 2021


Our first trip since the pandemic lockdown began 14 months earlier (a mere three days after we returned from California in March 2020). Glorious.



Three shots of/in the Santa Rita Mountains: first (Jack in foreground), second, third.


Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument: namesake cactus, in tight, geology, more geology, namesake and saguaros.


From Mt. Lemmon: rocks, Santa Rita Mountains in the distance (Tucson below), tree, another tree, touch of orange, now with ray of light, more light.


The ChiricahuaÕs were spectular, as always: first (with Jack), second, third, fourth, fifth.


We made a quick trip west, to Kofa Queen Canyon: first, second (with Jack), third.





A few animals from the trip:



Northern Jacana.