The Dalton Highway

Jack and I drove the Dalton highway from 7–10 July 2019. The sun never set on this four day trip (414 miles in each direction) over one of the roughest, remotest roads in the world. It was spectacular in every conceivable way. Make this trip if you possibly can.



Tundra polygons, south of Deadhorse.


Into the Brooks Range.


A lake along the Dalton.


Lichen, Finger Mountain area.


Jack, rock scrambling, Finger Mountain.


The Dalton, from the rock in the previous photo.


Looking northeast, from Finger Mountain area.


Coldfoot, looking south.


Coldfoot, looking north.


End of the Dalton.


Sagavanirktok River, just south of the Arctic Ocean.


North, to the Brooks Range.


South, to the Brooks Range.


Brooks Range, southern edge.


Arctic Ocean, Prudhoe Bay.


Koyukuk River, crossing the Dalton.


Lawlessness along the Dalton.


The Dalton heading north out of the Brooks Range.


Up to the Atigun Pass.


Down from the Atigun Pass.


Our car on the Dalton.


Our car, near the end.


River, south end of the Dalton.


Another river.


The Dalton, rough road.


Crossing the Yukon.


Bridge across the Yukon.


Pipeline across tundra.




Jack on the pipeline, Coldfoot.


The wilderness is vast.


Arctic landscape, south of Deadhorse.


Homesteader, along the Yukon.


Hearty northern caterpillars.