Third, at Bila Hora (White Mountain), scene of the opening battle of
the The Thirty Years War, Praha, 29 September 2007.
Fourth, sinking a jump shot, in our front yard, Lakewood
Lane, Marquette, 12 April 2010.
Fifth, with a few Perch and a Northern Pike, in our
backyard, Lakewood Lane, Marquette, 2 March 2010.
Sixth, in our backyard, Lakewood Lane, Marquette, 1
March 2010.
Seventh, with Evan, our backyard, Lakewood
Lane, Marquette, Michigan, 30 May 2010.
Eighth, with a Snapping Turtle, our
backyard, Lakewood Lane, Marquette, Michigan, 1 June 2010.
Ninth, with a Red-bellied Snake, our
backyard, S. McClellan, Marquette, Michigan, 27 July 2010.
Tenth, chasing a deer, Bog Walk, Marquette,
Michigan, 14 May 2011.
Eleventh, with bike he’s just won, 4 July 2011.
Twelfth, on the break wall, Lower Harbor, Marquette, 6
September 2011.
Thirteenth, chased by dog, Vienna, 15 February 2008.
Fourteenth, Vienna, 15 February 2008.
Fifteenth, Prague, 24 October 2007.
Sixteenth, with Jack, Peninsula Point, Delta
County, Michigan, 25 May 2013.
Seventeenth, with Garter Snake he caught,
Sturgeon River Gorge Wilderness Area, Ottawa National Forest, Houghton County,
Michigan, 27 May 2013.
Eighteenth, with Cerry
Cup Champion’s trophy, July 2013.
Nineteenth, standing in Canada; Michigan is in the background to the left, Ontario is in the background to the right; and the bridge connecting to the two spans the background, 19 October 2013.
Twentieth, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 19 October 2013.
Twenty-first, soccer practice, 15 May 2014.
Twenty-second, with Evan and other boys, Kaufman
Field, Marquette, Michigan, 18 May 2014.
Twenty-third, dabbing, in the Au Train River, Alger
County, Michigan, 5 July 2016.
Twenty-fourth view, with Dad and Royals
Hall-of-Famer Willie Wilson, at Surprise Stadium, during a Royals v. A’s Cactus
League game, Surprise, Arizona, 10 March 2017.
Mmm, Heineken, Hoofddorp
(Holland), August 2022.
Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 2022.
Ljubljana, August 2022.
Mmmm, mimosas, Zagreb, Croatia, August 2022.
Living large at the Zagreb Sheraton, August
life, Zagreb, August 2022.
some stubborn old bastard, Zagreb, August 2022.
the Grič Tunnel, Zagreb, August 2022.
Zagreb, August 2022.
Zagreb Franjo Tuđman
Airport, August 2022.
Rijksmuseum gardens, August 2022.
the River Clyde, Glasgow, March 2023.
Edinburgh Castle, March 2023.
the Firth of Forth, Leith, March 2023.
Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, March 2023.
Arthur’s Seat, March 2023.
Calton Hill, Edinburgh, March 2023.
Belfast, 10 March 2023.
Peace Wall, Belfast, 11 March 2023.