Assignment Submission Guidelines

Data 309


August 27, 2024

How do I name the files?

Create a consistent naming convention for your work.

  1. For example, use a3.qmd or assignment3.qmd for assignment 3.

  2. Create a new sub-folder for each assignment. For example, use A3 as the folder for all files pertaining to assignment 3.

  3. Continue, each week, to name your files with your chosen convention.

Where do I submit my work?

  1. Click here:
  2. Save the file to your Data 309 folder on your computer .
  3. Modify the script to use your username and password.
  4. This is the euclid_samba script.

How do I submit my work?

  1. Each time you make a submission, click on the euclid_samba script.
    1. This mounts a drive on your computer.
    2. Putting your computer to sleep will unmount the drive.
  2. Create a directory for each assignment.
    1. Use A1 for assignment 1.
    2. Use A2 for assignment 2, etc.
    3. Use P1 for project 1, etc.
    4. Use Final for final project.
  3. Upload the files (.qmd, .html, .pdf, .r) to the specified folder.