exercises with babynames and regular expressions
library (babynames)
library (tidyverse)
library (scales)
babynames |>
mutate (
first = str_sub (name, 1 , 1 ),
last = str_sub (name, - 1 , - 1 )
) |>
count (year, first, wt = n, sort = TRUE ) |>
filter (n > 2e+03 ) |>
ggplot (aes (x = year, y = n,
color = first,
group = first)) + geom_line () +
scale_y_continuous (labels = label_comma ()) +
labs (title= "Babynames: Distribution of First Letters of First" )
babynames |>
mutate (
first = str_sub (name, 1 , 1 ),
last = str_sub (name, - 1 , - 1 )
) |> group_by (last, wt = n) |>
mutate (r = row_number ()) |>
slice_head (n = 2 ) |>
ggplot (aes (x = year, y = last)) + geom_hex () +
labs (title= "Babynames: Distribution of First Letters of Last Name Over Time" )
What baby name has the most vowels?
babynames |>
mutate (
vowels = str_count (name, "[^aeiouAEIOU]" ),
.keep = "used" ) |>
arrange (- vowels)
# A tibble: 1,924,665 × 2
name vowels
<chr> <int>
1 Christophermich 11
2 Johnchristopher 11
3 Christophermich 11
4 Christopherjohn 11
5 Christopherjohn 11
6 Christopherjohn 11
7 Christophermich 11
8 Christopherjohn 11
9 Johnchristopher 11
10 Johnchristopher 11
# ℹ 1,924,655 more rows
What name has the highest proportion of vowels? (Hint: what is the denominator?)
babynames |>
mutate (
vowels = str_count (name, "[^aeiouAEIOU]" ),
length = str_length (name),
prop = vowels/ length,
.keep = "used" ) |>
arrange (- vowels, - length, prop)
# A tibble: 1,924,665 × 4
name prop vowels length
<chr> <dbl> <int> <int>
1 Christophermich 0.733 11 15
2 Johnchristopher 0.733 11 15
3 Christophermich 0.733 11 15
4 Christopherjohn 0.733 11 15
5 Christopherjohn 0.733 11 15
6 Christopherjohn 0.733 11 15
7 Christophermich 0.733 11 15
8 Christopherjohn 0.733 11 15
9 Johnchristopher 0.733 11 15
10 Johnchristopher 0.733 11 15
# ℹ 1,924,655 more rows
Replace all forward slashes in “a/b/c/d/e” with backslashes.
s <- str_replace_all ("a/b/c/d/e" ,"/" ," \\\\ " )
print (s)
What happens if you attempt to undo the transformation by replacing all backslashes with forward slashes? (We’ll discuss the problem very soon.)
str_replace_all (s," \\\\ " ,"/" )
Implement a simple version of str_to_lower() using str_replace_all().
str_replace_all ("JAY ENJOYS ISLANDS OF UBER" ,"[A-Z]" ,tolower)
[1] "jay enjoys islands of uber"
Create a regular expression that will match telephone numbers.
a <- "423-687-4291"
str_view (a,"[0-9]?+- \\ d+- \\ d+- \\ d+" )
How would you match the literal string “’? How about”\(^\) “?
Explain why each of these patterns don’t match a : “",”\“,”\".
Given the corpus of common words in stringr::words, create regular expressions that find all words that:
Start with “y”.
Don’t start with “y”.
End with “x”.
Are exactly three letters long. (Don’t cheat by using str_length()!)
Have seven letters or more.
Contain a vowel-consonant pair.
Contain at least two vowel-consonant pairs in a row.
Only consist of repeated vowel-consonant pairs.
Write a function that mixes up words into a bad poem.
# so silly
w <- tibble (words)
a <- {}
l <- function (.x, .y){
for (i in c (1 : .y)){
a[i] <- slice_sample (w,n= .x) |> pull () |> str_flatten_comma () |>
str_replace_all ("," ," " )
a[i] <- str_c (a[i]," \\ n" )
return (str_view (a))