Introduction to Pivoting

Re-shaping data to make analysis easier


September 23, 2024

Brief introduction w/ ATUS data

source("~/Google Drive/Teaching/DAT309/Week3/load_ATUS_data.R")

In the figure below, the data is reshaped, or made longer.

  1. Notice that some columns (the first) gain repeated entries.
  2. Also, notice that some variable names become entries in a new column.
  3. Also, the old entries that are spread out in rectangular form are sent to a new column. For more: link

Pivoting is often used to tidy data, i.e., make it look like this:

But often data is gathered in a way that is convenient for the data collector, not the data analyst.


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# Assumption: df is the ATUS data after clean_names
# Tip: use only the data you need
d <- select(df,starts_with("act"),sex,age)

# Another tip: make a new variable that keeps track of row numbers
d <- d |> mutate(row_id = row_number(age))

# A tibble: 868,270 × 6
   act_social act_sports act_work sex        age       row_id
        <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl> <int+lbl>  <dbl+lbl>  <int>
 1          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136179
 2          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136180
 3          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136181
 4          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136182
 5          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136183
 6          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136184
 7          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136185
 8          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136186
 9          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136187
10          0          0      910 2 [Female] 30        136188
# ℹ 868,260 more rows

Stack the three minute-per-activity variables into one variable of minutes and one variable of activity type.

d_pivoted <- d |> pivot_longer(
  names_to = "activity", 
  values_to = "minutes")

Group the pivoted data by sex & find the total minutes on each activity for each sex

d_grouped <- group_by(d_pivoted,sex,activity) |> 
  summarize(min = sum(minutes, na.rm = TRUE))

Make a (stacked) bar chart colored by sex, whose height tracks the number of minutes

for each activity.

d_grouped |> ggplot(
  aes(x=activity, y = min, fill = as_factor(sex)))  + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

Repeat the plot above but with the bars not stacked.

d_grouped |> ggplot(aes(x=activity, y = min, fill = as_factor(sex)))  + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge")