function LineThroughVector(p,v)
Plot the line throuh a given point, parallel to a given vector
Plot Basics
close all hold on; m = max(v) + 2; axis([-m,m,-m,m])
Plot the point x0
disp('The point x0 is in blue, the origin is a red cross.'); plot(p(1),p(2),'*b','MarkerSize',10); plot(0,0,'r+',0,0,'ro','MarkerSize',20); % Plot the same point in different symbols pause;
Plot the vector for which the line will be parallel to
disp('The vector x which defines the direction is in red.'); PlotVector(v,'.r'); pause;
Plot the line in green
disp('The line through the blue point x0, parallel to the red vector x is in green.'); for t = -3:.05:3; u = t*v + p ; plot(u(1),u(2),'g.','MarkerSize',10) drawnow; pause(.01); end