Mon Aug 29 -- Go over the Syllabus. Installing Notepad++. Flying and skipping the final exam. What is cheating? How to turn in homework. Valid excuses for late homework. Make sure everyone has installed Notepad++ (Mac people can use Sublime Text, or Atom, both on the Mac store and both free). Go over the most basic HTML, including head, body, title, p, h1, img and font color=. Find a starter web page at starter-html.html. Document validator. Talk about w3schools.
Assignment1. Body tag. The Color picker. How to do lists. Quiz!
Mon Sep 12 -- CSS
Wed Sep 14 -- Poem and CSS.
Thr Sep 15 -- How to type an emoji (windows_logo+.). Hover. Tables
Wed Sep 21 -- Go over quiz. Fix problems. If none, Inline blocks (especialy the horzontal menu of links)
Fri Sep 22 -- Image maps!.
Mon Oct 9 -- Patterns and Regex101 and pPatterns to try.
Wed Oct 12 -- Positioning for layouts and positioning exorcize
Mon Oct 24 -- If worksheet.
Wed Nov 9 -- Go over quiz. Either do the 2nd if worksheet or do the CSS and slider bar graph thing.
Mon Nov 21 -- The weight/balance assignment.
Mon Nov 28 -- A Teeter/Totter Assignment. while loops.