Enter A:
Enter B:

  1. Pop up an alert box if A is less than 3.
    alert("A is more than 10");
  2. Pop up an alert box saying "B is between 1.0 and 2.0" if B is between 1.0 and 2.0.
  3. Pop up an alert box saying "Bigger" if A is bigger than B, and pop up an alert box saying "No" otherwise.
  4. Which ever is bigger A or B, make it green. document.getElementById("a").style.backgroundColor = "green";
  5. Make the background one picture if A is five, and a different picture if A is 7. Otherwise, some third picture.
  6. Show a hidden message A is exactly 1 and B is exactly 1. https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_style_visibility.asp
  7. Somehow get the word "Victory" on the screen if either A or B is between 2 and 5.