Make a page with Javascript that ... 1) Asks them their name. If it's not "Josh" fire an arlert box that tells then to become "Josh". 2) Checks to make sure that your weight is between 50 and 500 pounds, and fires an alert box if it's not. 3) Changes the input field to be "Enter your weight" if the entered weight was not between 50 .. 500. 4) Checks to see if their age is between 18 .. 45. If not, it changes the age to be red. Hint:"red""red" 5) Has a field called "ratio" that is their weight divided by their benchpress-ability. It is et every time either their weight or benchpress ability changes. 6) Checks to see if their benchpress ability is a number. Hint: if ("" + parseInt(blah) == blah) { alert("It's a number") } else { alert("It's not a number") }