You will make the following web site. The main page will show a large picture of the subject. For example, my page would show a large picture of an airplane. Underneigth the picture will be instrcution to click on the picture to learn more. There will be at least four subject pages, each talking about something of the picture. In my case I would have a page for wings, tail, engine and cockpit. If they click on the picture outside of any active area, take them to an instrcution page. There will be an imagemap. The imagemap will use a rectangle. The imagemap will use a circle. The imagemap will use a polygon. The imagemap will use a default. You will use an ordered list. You will use an unordered list. You will use hyperlinks. You will use a change of font color. You will use a change of font size. You will use a change of font face. You will use a background picture. You will have a background color (on a different page). You will use a table with at least 2 rows and at least two columns. The table will have a caption. The table will have headers and data. At least one cell will span mulitple rows or columns. There will be a picture that you have altered (with tooltip). There will be at least one thumbnail such that clicking on it takes you to a bigger instance of the same picture. The web site will be actually informative, interesting and actractive (0 to 5 points) All pages will have correct head, body, html, and title tags.