Due Thr Dec 7st https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/canvas_gradients.asp 1) Using javascript, make a linear gradient that goes from left (green) to right (yellow). 2) Using javascript, make a linear gradient that goes from top (yellow) to bottom (green). 3) Using javascript, make a linear gradient that goes from left (green) to middle (white) to right (yellow). 5) Using javascript, make a radial gradient that goes from inner (black) to outer (white). 6) Using javascript, make a radial gradient that goes from inner (black) to middle (blue) to outer (white). 7) Using javascript, put the words "Top" and "Bottom" on the screen. 8) Using javascript, make a bullseye that has black (inner) green, and red (outer) cirles on a blue background. Hint: No gradients, just draw some circles. 9) Pop up an alert box if the user clicks on the upper-left corner of the canvas. 10) Pop up an alert box if the user clicks on the upper right corner of the canvas. 11) Pop up an laert box if the user clicks near the middle of the canvas.