Make me a three web pages about something you HATE. It should not be funny, but passionate. The first web page describes what it is you hate and why. It should include an unordered list of reasons to hate this thing. It should include at least three paragraphs on why you hate this thing. It should have a background that repeats in either the X or the Y but not both. The background should be fixed. There should be an email link to email you comments. * Unordered list * Unordered list has custom bullets (use a jpg/png/gif) * Fixed repeating background * Emauil link The second web page should have a four or more pictures of the thing you hate in a two column table. When you hover over a picture, that picture should get larger. There should be the same background picture as the first page, and different colored background for the table. * Table of pictures * Picture gets larger when you hover * Table background color * Page backgrounds the same All of the CSS should be in a central file. However, you should also use at least one 'style=', but not for repeated code. Both pages should have a common style defined by a common line of CSS for the title (not the , but the big words at the top of the page). You must use one div somewhere. You must use one span somewhere. * Central file * Common title style * Use a div * Use a span You get one extra point if it's turned in by Wednesday March 18th at 4:01pm. * Early turn-in You can get an extra point if you have at least two layers, one thing on top of another. * Layers This is out of 13 points.