You will make a web site containing a list the three coolest places you have ever been. Each element of the list is a link to a page about that place. Each of these pages should look similar. Each of these pages will have at least one picture of the place. Use a sentence to say why this place is special for you. -OR- You will make a web site that contains the best bits of British slang (please be SFW). Each of these pages will have at least one picture related to the event. -OR- You will make a web site that contains the three best bits of art you have ever seen. Each element of the list is a link to a page about that art. Each of these pages should look similar. Each of these pages will have at least one picture related to the art. You must say something meaningful about the art. -OR- Make an idea. ASK ME! It will use Links that change when you hover over them. A background that is fixed to the screen and does not scroll on a page that does scroll. At least one "style=" tag. A separate file containing the majority of the CSS. A consistent style setting the size for the main picture of each place. All the pics are the same size because CSS. A change of font face and size done via CSS. Uses a in an appropriate way. (highlight a special word, accent a place name, etc. Uses a
in an appropriate way. (Title on a separate line, the "back" link, etc.) This assignment is out of 8 points. Due Thr Nov 28 at 4pm