You shall make a picture gallery. All the pictures shall be of the same theme. 3 points - You have altered one picture in pain or photoshop or something. It must be obvious. 3 points - You have five thumbnail pictures on a web page. 3 points - They link to full sized copies of the same page. 2 points - You have correct html, body, and title tags. 2 points - Every thumbnail has a tooltip. 2 points - It's on some web server. 1 point - The web page has a title on the screen in large bold letters. (I don't mean with the tag 1 point - The web page title is centered. 1 point - The page uses three different colors. 1 point - The page has a title (i.e. title tags) 1 point - There is a text link to a web page on the subject. 2 points - The pictures are in a different folder from the html. -1 point - Turned in after Wed Jan 31st. 100,000 points - Has a superhero theme or makes me laugh or teaches me.