DUE: Tues Oct 8th at 4pm Make me a web site describing something you hate about your life. It could be your aweful sister, your lack of superpowers, or your excess of facial hair. Make three pages about this hate. Table Blue (6 points) * Has a table with at least seven cells * The table uses a colspan and a rowspan * One of the cells has a backgound color * One of the cells contains a picture * There is a link to another of your pages on this page. * There is a use of both and . List Gold (4 points) * This page has an ordered list. * This page has an unordered list. * There is a sublist somewhere. * There is a link to another of your pages on this page. Text Ruby (3 points) * This page has a change of font. * This page has a change of font size. * This page has a link to another of your pages on this page. * This page has at least 50 words. Imagemap (3 points) * There is an imagemap * It has a rect, a circle, and a poly * The links take you somewhere relevant. Somewhere, on one of the pages (2 points) * You have a background color * You have a background picture Total 18