Make a seesaw calculator! Ask for input about +1 Left hand kid's distance from the pivot +1 Left hand kid's weight +1 Right hand kid's distance from the pivot +1 Right hand kid's weight +1 Use a number type input Check all inputs for validity. +1 No kid weighs less than 6 lbs. +1 No kid weighs more than 400 lbs. +1 No kid has a negative distance. +1 The seesaw is only 20 feet long (10 feet each side of center) If some input is wrong, +1 turn it red +1 set it to blank Compute which way it balances Could be left Could be right Could be equal Show the answer +2 Fill in a div/span to say the answer +2 Change the background to tilt left/right (show a picture) Other Stuff +1 Embed a seesaw video +1 Play seesaw music in the background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Make a change calculator Ask for input about +1 How many pennies +1 How many nickels +1 How many quarters +1 How many dollars +1 Use a number type input Check all inputs for validity. +1 No one has negative things. +1 No more than 10 pennies. +1 No more than 20 dollars. +1 No more than 5 other things If some input is wrong, +1 turn it red +1 pop up an alert box Compute the total amount of $$$ Show the answer +2 Fill in a input to say the answer +2 Change some picture (but not the background) depending if they have more than $0.99 Other Stuff +2 Have a background that is a gradient (see w3schools gradient stuff) -OR- +2 Have a list with three links to money stuff, with roman letters