You shall write me a web site on Utopia. Your utopia must be better than * Sitting on a cloud singing Kumbaya. * Locked in a cave with Aristotle, Einstein, David Hasselhoff, and Pam Anderson * Strapped to a hospital bed with a cocaine drip into your skull It should contains * At least two pages * A link from each page back to the other * Titles on both pages * An ordered list using any numbering scheme except the default * An unordered list * A list inside a list * At least two pictures, each with alt and title and align tags * At least four paragraphs written by you (and not stolen from somewhere else) * A relative URL and an absolute URL * A link that pops up a page in a new window. * An in the page header that uses a different font color, size, or face This is due Thursday Feb 5th. It must be on the server to receive points.