CS 101 -- HTML and More

Mon Aug 29 -- Syllabus stuff including purpose of class and how class will run. Install Textpad.
Wed Aug 31 -- Assignment 1. Describe how web works including servers and HTTP and HTTPS. Making a simple document with HEAD, BODY, B, A, P and I tags. Whitespace in HTML. Difference between a TXT file, DOC, and HTML file. Show undersea cables. Show undersea cable map.
Fri Sep 2 -- Work day.
Wed Sep 7 -- Assignment 2. Picture Format. IMG tag, including using your own picture. body tag. font tag. Common fonts.
Thr Sep 8 -- Image format comparing. JPG vs PNG vs GIF. Fake quiz.
Wed Sep 14 -- Lists (ordered and unordered). List assignment
Thr Sep 15 -- quiz on everything above.
Fri Sep 16 -- Linking to a second page. Images with borders. Tables with colspan and rowspan and border and bgcolor and cellspaing and cellpadding.
Mon Sep 19 -- Review of tables. Work on tables.
Wed Sep 21 -- Work day.
Thr Sep 22 - Work day.
Fri Sep 23 -- Quiz on Tables and Lists.
Mon Sep 26 -- Imagemaps and More Imagemaps.
Wed Sep 28 -- Whitehouse story. top selling domains and Top selling domains. Work day on Imagemaps Assignment.
Thr Sep 29 -- Rant Assignment. Frames.
Fri Sep 30 -- Work day.
Mon Oct 3 -- Work Day.
Wed Oct 5 -- CSS.
Thr Oct 6 -- Work on CSS stuff. You can find a list of attributes at http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/. See Text Properties and Font Properties and
Fri Oct 7 -- Work Day
Mon Oct 10 -- More CSS including a central css repository, Backgrounds, borders, Opacity, font-stretch, list-style-image, letter spacing, transform, Animation.
Wed Oct 12 -- Quiz on frames and imagemaps and a bit of CSS.
Mon Oct 17 -- Work and turn in day.
Wed Oct 19 -- Copy This for practice.
Thr Oct 20 -- Copy This Again for practice.
Mon Oct 24 -- Quiz
Wed Oct 26 -- http://mjperry.blogspot.com/2011/10/markets-in-everything-bidding-for-mba.html Return Quizes. Forms.
Fri Oct 28 -- Make me a survey form with radio buttons, check boxes, input fields, a submit button, and a textarea.
Mon Nov 1 -- select, button, opt-group, fieldsets and legends, disabled, password, image buttons, and hidden buttons. Two forms on one page.
Mon Nov 7 -- Java Script.
Wed Nov 9 -- Calculate stuff.
Mon Nov 14 -- If Then Example. The Teeter Totter assignment.
Mon Nov 21 -- Cookie Example and MPG computer.
Mon Nov 28 -- Final Project. If Then Else. Passwords. Themes. Server side vs Client side.
Wed Nov 30 -- Law
Fri Dec 8 -- Review for the final!!!