Mon Aug 28 -- Go over the Syllabus. Flying and skipping the final exam. Talk about the tutor. How to turn in homework. Valid excuses for late homework. Make sure everyone has installed textpad (Mac people can use Sublime Text, or Atom, both on the Mac store and both free). Go over the most basic HTML, including head, body, title, p, h1, and font color=
Wed Aug 30 -- How to log into the server. How to set permissions. Why things go into pub. How to do pictures. First homework.
Thr Aug 31 -- The 'a' tag with href and target. Relative vs absolute links. Server (again). Ordered and unordered lists.
Wed Sep 6 -- Tables with a list of tags. Tags and attributes: table (border, bgcolor, width), tr (align, colspan), td(align, rowspan), th(align, colspan), thead, tfoot, tbody
Thr Sep 7 -- Background colors and style=background-color:rgb(1,2,3). Table Assignment due Thr Oct 14th.
Fri Sep 8 -- Make up day. Excused if you have EVERYTHING in.
Mon Sep 11 -- Quiz on tables. CSS!
Wed Sep 13 -- Music assignment. Marking up the poem.
Thr Sep 14 -- Work on HW
Fri Sep 15 -- Work on HW
Mon Sep 18 -- Music due Thursday! Show off google homepage. Blank page. Comments in HTML. Show off inline css. show off top-of-page css. How to pick style sheet, top-of-page, or inline CSS. div and span. cursors Marquee. story. Practice quiz.
Thr Sep 21 -- Top-bottom iFrames. Left-right iFrames. borders.
Fri Sep 22 -- Make me two pages with iFrames as shown on the board (using,, and Why google does not work in an iFrame.
Mon Sep 25 - Pictures. How to do the iFrame examples. New example with four pictures, border is red and thick, using CSS.
Wed Sep 27 -- Forms!!!. Sample forms
Thr Sep 28 -- The form assignment.
Mon Oct 2 -- indenteding lists. fieldset. Comparing them to tables. Weird input types.
Wed Oct 3 -- QUIZ
Thr Oct 5 -- Image maps. Two examples.
Fri Oct 6 -- Image Map picture and pICTURE TO WORK WITH.
Mon Oct 9 -- Javascript tutorial. Javascript console. (1) Switch between text appearing and disapearing (2) Switch between good and evil (3) Switch between big and small text (4) Make the same picture big and small (set width)
Wed Oct 11 -- Easy Javascript howto.
Mon Oct 16 -- Common mistakes (1) use only one fucntion (2) failure to indent (3) do the braces match. input type=number. variables. alert(). math. Math.sin(). if-else. If-else if-else. && and || and !. Parenthesis. Make me a grade computer.
Wed Oct 18 -- Worksheet.
Mon Oct 23 -- Catch up day.
Wed Oct 25 -- If statement quiz
Thr Oct 26 -- Forum Fun.
Fri Oct 27 -- 2nd if worksheet
Mon Oct 30 -- Google Maps
Wed Nov 1 -- Add points. Make a line. Make a polygon. Assignment!
Mon Nov 6th -- My Canvas notes and Awesome canvas reference and Canvas drawing fun and Canvas Examples.
Wed Nov 15 -- .
Mon Nov 27 --
CSS Gradients. Javascript gradients. How to do farm hw with (1) no buttons (2) buttons and disable (3) buttons by +5 (4) a submit button
Wed Nov 29 -- x,y on a canvas. The find-it game
Thr Nov 30 -- Work sheet with (x,y) on a canvas
Fri Dec 1 -- Work day for farm or flying
Mon Dec 4 -- AIDS story. Euclid stats. How google works. How ads work. How to do google adsense. Promoting you web site. Review of copyright
Wed Dec 6 --
Review for the final COURSE EVAL!
Thr Dec 7 -- Practice final exam
Fri Dec 8 -- Catch up day