Mon Jan 14 -- Go over the Syllabus. Installing Textpad. Flying and skipping the final exam. What is cheating? How to turn in homework. Valid excuses for late homework. Make sure everyone has installed textpad (Mac people can use Sublime Text, or Atom, both on the Mac store and both free). Go over the most basic HTML, including head, body, title, p, h1, and font color=. Talk about w3schools.
Wed Jan 16 -- How to do lists.
Wed Jan 23 -- QUIZ. Body tag. The Color picker. Imagemaps and Image maps #2.
Mon Feb 10 -- CSS!!!!.
Wed Feb 12 -- Go over CSS slowly. Show hover thing. CSS Poetry. Assignment.
Mon Mar 11 -- Animation! Two page thing. Sample css. Practice CSS test.
Mon Mar 25 -- Javascript!! Make a page that toggles between a dog and a cat, between red and blue text, between large and small text, and shows a secret password. Input validation!
Wed Mar 27 -- Who does form validation. Functions. Validate form. Compute an answer. Color the input. If worksheet
Wed Apr 3 -- Do this