Mon Aug 24 -- Go over the Syllabus. Installing Textpad. Flying and skipping the final exam. What is cheating? How to turn in homework. Valid excuses for late homework. Make sure everyone has installed textpad (Mac people can use Sublime Text, or Atom, both on the Mac store and both free). Go over the most basic HTML, including head, body, title, p, h1, and font color=. Talk about w3schools.
Wed Aug 26 -- Assignment1. Body tag. The Color picker. How to do lists.
Wed Sep 4 -- QUIZ. Body backgrounds. Font tag. Color picker. Available fonts Tables
Mon Sep 9 -- Undersea cables and 10 facts undersea cables. Undersea cable map. Tables in tables. colspan and rowspan. Absolute vs relative URL. Links to pages back and forth. Links of pictures. complicated table.
Wed Sep 11 -- QUIZ! Compare image formats and Very easy image map and More image map. Image map assignment.
Wed Sep 19 -- Go over test. sales chart. typosquatting. h1 .. h6. blockquote. link to a section of a file. link to a new tab. thead/tbodypre.
Mon Sep 23 -- iFrame. CSS.
Mon Sep 30 -- Who you want to be. CSS new stuff. CSS Reference list Practice with borders. Practice with margins. Practice with colors.
Wed Oct 2 -- CSS Box model. CSS Tables. More CSS Tables.
Wed Oct 9 -- Go over quiz. the Law!. DNS over HTTPS. The story. . Hover selector What google knows about you (including Ads and GA opt out and Location history and Search history and Dashboard and Which apps access my data and Youtube searches
Mon Oct 14 -- <Borders (again). Opacity CSS Text and font and max-width and position.
Wed Oct 17 -- Form Examples and W3school forms.
Mon Oct 21 -- Survey assignment
Mon Oct 28 -- Javascript!!!Easy simple thing.
Wed Oct 30 -- Where to put JS JS Events. Random. Do math on a form. Random
Wed Nov 6 -- Age calculator. Up/Down Arrows. If Worksheet
Mon Dec 2 -- Stupid passwords. Random numbers in Javascript (and testing for ESP). Math quiz in JS.
Wed Dec 4 -- Review for the final exam