Mon Aug 23 -- Go over the Syllabus. Installing Textpad. Flying and skipping the final exam. What is cheating? How to turn in homework. Valid excuses for late homework. Make sure everyone has installed textpad (Mac people can use Sublime Text, or Atom, both on the Mac store and both free). Go over the most basic HTML, including head, body, title, p, h1, img and font color=. Valid documents. Document validator. Talk about w3schools.
Assignment1. Body tag. The Color picker. How to do lists. Quiz!
Mon Aug 30 -- Making tables. Quiz.
Fri Seo 3 -- CSS!
Wed Sep 8 -- QUIZ on tables. More CSS!
Thr Sep 15 -- Box model
Wed Sep 22 -- Make a style sheet.
Thr Sep 23 -- Make a page for a style sheet
Wed Sep 30 -- Image maps
Fri Oct 1 -- Image map quiz and The picture
Mon Oct 5 -- iFrames
Wed Oct 7 -- Survey assignment
Mon Oct 11 -- All of the input types and input patterns and Regex
Fri Oct 16 -- Transform. Media query.
Mon Oct 18 -- Review for midterm
Thr Oct 28 -- If worksheet.
Mon Nov 1 -- Change worksheet - Age (src) - big small pic (src) - Video (src) - Party (src) - math quiz
Mon Nov 8 -- RGBA
Mon Nov 29 -- Canvas!