CS 101 -- HTML and More

Mon Jan 11 -- Syllabus stuff including purpose of class and how class will run. Difference between a text file and a DOC file. Install Textpad. Making a simple document with HEAD, BODY, B and A tags. Describe how web works. Show undersea cables. Show undersea cable map. Describe HTML. Give everyone an account on the server.
Wed Jan 13 -- Show off web logs. Using the server. Whitespace. HEAD and BODY sections. Text and tags in an HTML document.
Thr Jan 14 -- Assignment 1. Textwrangler and fetch for the Mac people.
Fri Jan 15 -- IMG tag, including using your own picture. body tag. font tag. Common fonts.
Mon Jan 18 -- Quiz on the things covered above.
Wed Jan 20 -- How to move files to server. How to send a link. Difference between HTTP, FTP, and FILE links. Absolute vs Relative URLs. Using your own pics. Titles on img tags. Difference between JPG and GIF. Linking between two pages.
Thr Jan 21 -- Work with lists, pictures, and tables.
Fri Jan 22 -- QUIZ on lists and pictures.
Mon Jan 25 -- Go over quiz. Tables including table, th, tr, td, colspan, rowspan, images in tables, cell forground color, and cell background colors.
Wed Jan 27 -- Tables laboratory.
Thr Jan 28 -- Rant assignment.
Fri Jan 29 -- Quiz.
Wed Feb 9 -- Muscle cars now and then. Go over bytes, kilobyte, megabyte again. Go over jpg, png, gif, and the idea of lossless vs lossy encoding. Show an example of frames.
Thr Feb 10 -- Imagemaps with area and map tags.
Fri Feb 11 -- Complete imagemap and frames mini-assignment.
Mon Feb 15 -- CSS tutorial and a list of a zillion text proporties.
Wed Feb 17 -- homework.
Thr Feb 18 -- Layers in CSS.
Mon Feb 22 -- Go over test. Central CSS. Change assignment.
Wed Feb 24 -- Lab day. Turn stuff in.
Mon Mar 8 -- Go over test. Review CSS.
Wed Mar 10 -- Make this page.
Thr Mar 11 -- Forms.
Wed Mar 17 -- Review for forms.
Thr Mar 18 -- QUIZ
Wed Mar 24 -- Javascript day one.
Mon Mar 29 -- First, convert Farenheit to Celcius. The do javascript assingment.
Thr Apr 1 -- Javascript lecture. Convert dollars to pesos. Login to secret page. location.href='http://www.google.com';
Fri Apr 2 -- Javascript quiz
Mon Apr 5 -- Go over web stats. Go over quiz.
Wed Apr 7 -- Notes on Javascript and teamwork on recipe doubling.
Wed Apr 14 -- If worksheet.