CS 101 -- HTML and More

Mon Jan 15 -- Syllabus stuff including purpose of class and how class will run. Install Textpad. Describe HTML. Give everyone an account on the server.
Wed Jan 17 -- The disk cache in IE and Firefox. Our first HTML web page. The html, head, body, and img tags.
Thu Jan 18 -- Relative vs Absolute URLs. Editing pictures in paint.
Fri Jan 19 -- Image formats. Making thumbnails. Accessing server accounts. The 'p' tag.
Mon Jan 22 -- QUIZ on making thumbnails and images and such. Logging onto the server. The 'p' tag.
Wed Jan 23 -- The Anchor tag! The font tag. Assignment #1.
Thu Jan 25 -- The Law.
Fri Jan 26 -- China purifies the Internet, Fox supenea's YouTube, 25 million criminals, center tag, and lists.
Mon Jan 29 -- Body tag, with background pictures, text and link colors and margins.
Wed Jan 31 -- Image Gallery Assignment.. Tables!
Mon Feb 5 -- The TD tag and tables.
Wed Feb 7 -- Quiz. Rant Assigment due
Mon Feb 12 -- Frames..
Wed Feb 14 -- More frames.
Fri Feb 16 -- Final Frames lession (maybe). Mon Feb 19 -- Google.
Fri Feb 23 -- Frames again.
Mon Feb 26 -- Frame quiz.
Thu Feb 29 -- Sounds sound formats and Sound in web pages and sounds with frames and The embed command in it's full glory.
Fri Mar 1 -- Make up day (non-manditory).
Mon Mar 12 -- Forms.
Thr Mar 15 -- Maps and Maps.
Wed Mar 21 -- MIDTERM
Thr Mar 22 -- Go over midterm. Review lots of important stuff.Start CSS
Fri Mar 23 -- The Imagemap and Form Assignment due.
Mon Mar 26 -- The Super CSS Property List.
Wed Mar 27 -- The CSS Worksheet.
Thu Mar 28 -- John McCain and the prank and Dont Load This.jpg and a fool.
Mon Apr 2 -- Spagetti and the small css assignment.
Mon Apr 9 -- Javascript (don't miss).
Wed Apr 11 -- NO CLASS (teacher at speach). Free late day for anyone who attends.
Thr Apr 12 -- Javascript.
Fri Apr 13 -- Javascript examples. A javascript worksheet. List CSS assignment due.
Wed Apr 18 -- More Javascript.