Wed Jan 20 -- Go over the Syllabus. Installing Textpad. Flying and skipping the final exam. What is cheating? How to turn in homework. Valid excuses for late homework. Make sure everyone has installed textpad (Mac people can use Sublime Text, or Atom, both on the Mac store and both free). Go over the most basic HTML, including head, body, title, p, h1, and font color=. Guide at Talk about w3schools.
Mon Jan 25 -- Assignment1. Body tag. The Color picker. How to do lists.
Wed Jan 27 -- Making tables. Quiz.
Mon Feb 1 -- TABLES. Get ready for Wednesday quiz.
Wed Feb 3 -- QUIZ. CSS
Mon Feb 8 -- QUIZ on CSS. Assignment. CSS style sheets.
Mon Feb 22 -- Image formats. Domain name sales chart. Typosquatting What google knows about you. Losing weight story. QUIZ on CSS and box model and more.
Image maps. Image maps full documents. Image map assignment.
Mon Mar 1 -- More on selectors. The five positioning choices: static (boring), relative (can reposition, flows, scrolls), fixed (can position, does not scroll), absolute (poistioned based on container, scrolls) sticky (the clever one). Positioning. Exorcizes.
Wed Mar 3 -- Multi-column layout
Mon May 8 -- Two column assignment.
Wed Mar 10 -- Catch up day
Mon Mar 15 -- Forms! including inpout types. Remember .. action=""
Wed Mar 17 -- Form review sheet and Forms and Basic inputs and More input types and input attributes.
Mon Mar 29 -- Javascript examples. Javascript Notes.
Mon Apr 5 -- $ and pennies to money. Submit button vs as-you-type. Thing to do.
Wed Apr 21 -- Review for final exam.