Your job is to make a web page that can do two things.
- Convert Fahrenheit to Celcius.
The formula is F=9/5*C+32
If you do this right, 0C is 32F, and 100C is 212F.
- Compute your own body mass index.
The formula is BMI = weight * 703 / height / height
Height must be in inches, weight in pounds.
You can look up the right answers at
- Underweight = < 18.5
- Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
- Overweight = 25-29.9
- Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
It's easy to make two forms on one page. Just do it like this:
.... whatever you need here ....
.... stuff to make the first form ....
<input type=submit>
.... stuff to make the second form ....
<input type=submit>