This assignment has two parts. 1) Make a web page with five ordered items numbered in upper case Roman numbers. Each item should be a fact about yourself. Whichever fact you think most interesting should link to a second page containing a paragraph about that fact. Another fact should contain an sublist about it, numbered in small alphabetic letters. I. I'm 44. II. I'm married to Lori Appleton a. She's a native yooper. b. Her dad was a big deal. c. She seems to like me. d. She's an identical twin e. She hates it when our son mouthes off to her. III. I own an airplane, a motorcycle, and a scuba license. IV. I've never worn pajamas to class. V. I think students should use more. 2) Add to the web page an unordered list of five items. Each item when clicked should be take me to a picture. These pictures MUST be in a seperate folder from the HTML or -5%. Of course this web page should have appropriate html, title, and body tags. It should also have a centered title on the web page itself, using the font command with face, size, and color attributes. Due Wed Sep 21th. -10% per day after.