Rant with The Hate!! Find something you hate. Get a picture of it. Make an imagemap of the thing you hate. There should be four areas on the picture, and each should be a link to a page telling why you hate that part of the thing. Example: You hate guns. If someone clicks on the muzzle, you mention crime stats. If someone clicks on the trigger, you describe accidental child deaths. If someone clicks on the hammer, you describe gun trafficking. And if they click anywhere else, tell them to chose one of the three areas mentioned before. All of this should be in a page with two frames. On one frame is the picture, and on the other frame is the text chosen when the person clicks on the picture. * There is a rectangle area * There is a circle area * There is a polygon area * There is a "You missed. Chose better" area * There are two frames * Clicking on one frame changes the other frame. * Turned in before Mon Sep 3 at 4:01pm -1 every work day thereafter.