Your mission is to make a teeter-totter computer. The user inputs 4 numbers. It tells if the teeter totter tilts left, tilts right, or is exactly balanced. 1) How much does the kid on the left weigh 2) How far from the middle is the kid on the left. 3) How much does the kid on the right weigh 4) How far from the middle is the kid on the right. You get points for 10,000,000 points - No weight is less than zero 10,000,000 points - No one has a distance of less than zero or more than 10 feet. 10,000,000 points - You tell the balance 10,000,000 points - You use CSS 5,000,000 points - An input turns red if it's bad. 5,000,000 points - An alert box pops up for any reason This is out of 50,000,000 points. You lose 5,000,000 points for turning it in after Monday Nov 21, and another 5,000,000 points for turning it in after Monday Nov 28th.