CSS -- The New CSI
Name on thing that can be done with CSS but cannot easily be done with HTML tags.
How would I modify the text below to apply the class dna to that text? When you're done there should be only one line of text on the rendered page.
<style type="text/css">
.dna { color:red }
Not this text. This should be DNA. Not this text.
Where can the dna tag above be used?
Only in this page.
Only this site.
Only this page and any page linked to by it.
Only files in this directory
Only files with a <link rel=stylesheet ... > link to this page.
None of the above
Write me a line of CSS that sets all links to be blue in 23 point font.
Identical twins have the same fingerprints?
Only if they have the same gender.
Science does not know the answer to this question.
Use CSS to set the background image of this page to scene.jpg
<body >
Which file format is best for a picture like this.
Which tags are affected by this CSS?
B.fred { color:red }
All bold text
All text of class fred
All text either bold or of class fred.
CSI Miami is the best CSI
None of the above.
Write me a line of CSS that sets the page title (i.e. the <title> tag stuff) to be in Arial font.
Crime scene investigators
Do not interview witnesses.
Do not go on police raids
Do not wear guns
Do not leave the lab.
All of the above.
Indent this text by 20% of the page width.
<div style=" ">I will catch you</div>