Things to Know How to load web sites with pictures onto the server. Know how to make tables inside of tables and colspan and rowspan. The difference between png and jpg pictures. Absolute vs relative URLs. What is a URL. How to make an imagemap. Don't forget the #. What is a kilobyte and a megabyte and a byte. CSS Things To Know There are three places to put CSS content. At the top, in a seperate file, and style= Remember that in CSS it's not = it's :. Never WIDTH=3, always WIDTH:3 Know CSS layers with keft: and top: Know how to look things up .. there are too many to remember. Javascript Things To Know Events like onchange Code like if, else. Conditions like a < 10 && a > 20 || a == 4. Remember, it's not = it's == Remember && is and, || is or document.getElementById("thing").value ... don't forget the .value Assignment uses = and not ==. document.getElementById("answer").value = "Bad data" Form Things to Know Put a name on almost any input field.
Know the difference between Frames frameset means no body name= on each frame, target= on each link how to do rows and cols woth rows= and columns= Remember the difference between rows=50,* and rows=50%,* Basic HTML Tags IMG with height= width= src= title= alt= usemap= IMGs scale when you change either height or width MAP and AREA Know shape=rect,circle,polygon Know how to make a you-missed page Don't forget the # sign BODY with background= bgcolor= Only one body per document. FONT with size= and face= Why CSS is better than font tags P with align= Makes a paragraph. Can set alignments. Don't forget justified. BR Makes a line break. Does not make a paragraph. The difference is indenting. CENTER Puts things in the middle A with href= Can make a link from a picture too UL and OL with type= and LI TABLE with border= width= background= bgcolor= TR and TD and TH with colspan= rowspan= background= bgcolor=