Things to Know Know how to make tables inside of tables and colspan and rowspan. Absolute vs relative URLs. What is a URL. What is a kilobyte and a megabyte and a byte. Really basic copyright stuff. Very basic how Google works. Basic HTML Tags IMG with height= width= src= title= alt= usemap= IMGs scale when you change either height or width BODY with background= bgcolor= Only one body per document. FONT with size= and face= Why CSS is better than font tags P with align= Makes a paragraph. Can set alignments. Don't forget justified. BR Makes a line break. Does not make a paragraph. The difference is indenting and CSS. CENTER Puts things in the middle A with href= and target=_blank Can make a link from a picture too UL and OL with type= and LI Sublists also. TABLE with border= width= background= bgcolor= TR and TD and TH with colspan= rowspan= background= bgcolor= Image Maps MAP and AREA Know shape=rect,circle,polygon Know how to make a you-missed page Don't forget the # sign CSS Things To Know There are three places to put CSS content. At the top, in a seperate file, and style= Remember that in CSS it's not = it's :. Never WIDTH=3, always WIDTH:3 Know how to look things up .. there are too many to remember. Know how to write and read selectors P { color:red } <-- change all 'p' tags to red .P { } <-- change everything in the class 'p' to red IMG:hover { width:100} <-- effects images only when you hover over them Know the CSS box model ( Know CSS borders ( CSS is important Form Things to Know Almost always .. only one form per page. Put a name on almost any input field. placeholder= value= <-- this is useful for javascript Weird input types ( Javascript Things To Know Events like onchange, onclick and onkeyup Code like if, else. Conditions like a < 10 && a > 20 || a == 4. Remember, it's not = it's == Remember && is and, || is or Math uses 'my dear aunt sally' (i.e. 1+2*3 is 7, not 9) document.getElementById("thing").value ... don't forget the .value document.getElementById("thing").innerHTML for div's span's paragraphs ... don't forget the .innerHTML Assignment uses = and not ==. document.getElementById("answer").value = "Bad data"