Make a web page about showers (rain or bathroom or party). You get one point for A picture related to showers The picture is exactly 623 pixels wide OR 412 pixels high. An appropriate title on the titlebar Some text enboldened or italicised Some text of a different color Some text of a different size Make a paragraph using the right HTML tag. You get two points for making a list that looks like this (use your own words) 1. Showers are cool 2. Dogs don't like showers * Makes them mad * Really mad 3. But dogs need to change Total: 9 points Make a web page about showers (rain or bathroom or party). You get one point for A picture related to showers The picture is exactly 623 pixels wide OR 412 pixels high. An appropriate title on the titlebar Some text enboldened or italicised Some text of a different color Some text of a different size Make a paragraph using the right HTML tag. You get two points for making a list that looks like this (use your own words) 1. Showers are cool 2. Dogs don't like showers * Makes them mad * Really mad 3. But dogs need to change Total: 9 points