The Table Quiz Table 1 (4 points) Should have two cells, one above the other. The top cell says "The Ocean" centered in a large font.. The bottom cell has a picture of the ocean. The border is 20 pixels big. Table 2 (6 points) Should have three columns and three rows The caption is "History" The column headers are "Year", "Event", and "Outcome". The data is 1492 New World Rediscovered McDonalds founded 1941 WWII Starts American Global Domination 300BC Founding of Rome Many Roads Built The table has an appropriate background image The table is as wide as the whole page. Table 3 (5 points) Has three columns and three rows The word "Enemies" spans the first and second column in row one. The word "Year" is in column three row one. The data is England Germany 1939 France Germany 1914 South North 1861 In each case, the winner of the war is in blue, the loser is in red.