1) Make a button that pops up an alert box which says "I was tickled". 2) Write some Javascript that runs when the page is loaded. It pops up an alert that says "Javascript != Java". 3) Make a button that changes the background color of the page to hot pink. 4) Make an input field. Make a button that sets the input field to "Seven" 5) Make another input field. Make a button that adds one to the number in that field. 6) Make a button that changes it's words from "Click me" to "I was clicked". Hint: google how to change the "value" of a button in javascript 7) Make a button that takes me to a different page when I click it. https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_redirect_webpage.asp 8) Make a div with height: 400px. Put a picture in the div with height 300px. Make a button that moves the picture from the top to the bottom of the div. Hint: margin-top: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_style_margintop.asp