Get as many as you can. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN ORDER; DO THE EASY ONES FIRST! I don't expect you to get them all, just get as many as you can! 1) Have a div. Make a button that when clicked makes the div say "Give me point!" 2) Have an input. If I enter a number between 7..14 (including the 7 and 14) say I win, else say I lose. 3) Make a button. When I click it, I see a picture. 4) Make two inputs. Say I win (any reasonable way) if the number in the first input is exactly twice the number in the second. 5) Make a button. When I click it I get random numbers between 10..20 (including the 10 and 20). 6) Make an input that asks for my age. Tell me I'm either a toddler, a parent, or a grandparent (you can pick the age ranges). 7) Make a button. When I click it, it disapears.