Syllabus for CS 101 -- Web Site Construction Randy Appleton 2214 JXJ Intro CS 101 is a web site for people who want to learn to make web sites. I will assume you've never made a web site before but have basic computer literacy skills. If you've been programming for years or are still trying to figure out this "mouse" thing please come see me. You are welcome to eat and drink in class. It's OK to be somewhat silly in class. Playing video games or IMing in class is not allowed. There will be many web site homeworks. These will be worth 50% of the final grade. There will be two midterms, each with 10%, and a final worth 20%. There will be some quizes too (10%). I might adjust these percentages slightly. The class will cover Easy Stuff Basic web achitecture What is the internet Clients Servers Caching (and defeating it) Acounting and Web Counters Causes of web site slowness HTML including Basic HTML Head Document type Title Author and other metadata Body Physical formatting Bold Italics Emphasis Blink Underline Logical formatting Quote Preformatted Blockquote Tables Borders Entries that span more than one cell Lists Ordered lists Unordered lists Hyperlinks Absolute Relative Mailto To a named anchor Images GIF vs JPG vs PNG Basic image editing (put a someone else's head on your brother body) Resizing images Using images as a link Using images as a table entry ImageMaps ( Frames Video Making your own video As a link Embedded in the page Audio Making your own soundtrack Why everyone hates background noises on a web page As a link Embedded in the page Content Style Sheets ( Lots of stuff at ( Inline css

External Class attributes Text CSS ( Table CSS ( Positioning CSS ( Forms Submit button Radio buttons Text areas Text boxes Pull down menus Passwords JavaScript Basic syntax variables simple math alert boxes getting data from a form element if-then clearing a form element setting a form element to red/blue/green Validating forms using Javascript Fancy web graphic tricks using Javascript Copyright and Trademark The law My experience How Google works Googlebombs Pagerank Improving your listing Buying your spot on Google Google Maps ( CHEATING Copying someone else's code is cheating. Do NOT copy more than three lines of code without attribution! Using code you found on the internet is cheating. However, if you use code and document where you got it, that's not cheating. Something like this: Also, you have to follow the rules of the student handbook. The penalty of cheating is probably an F for the semester. DISABILITY SERVICES If you have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the Coordinator of Disability Services in the Disability Services Office at 1104 of the University Center (227-1700; TTY 227-1543). Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state and University guidelines